About Me

Hello there!

My name is Jessica. I am a Montreal based full-stack developer, currently working on a web-based research platform for storing, processing and dissemintaing neuroimaging data.

personal —

I love hiking adventures, discovering new music and anything food related. My latest obsession has been collecting cookbooks and planning trips to the local farmer's market to put together ungodly Sunday feasts. When I'm not coding, you can catch me at the yoga studio or curling up with a good book.

professional —

I am passionate about designing and developing scalable products, as well as getting my hands dirty with data. I enjoy a challenge and find it rewarding to work on complex problems. After graduating from McGill University, I was able to leverage my background in Cognitve Science and Computer Science to provide unique solutions to some of the research industry's most intricate big-data challenges. Recently, I've enjoyed dabbling in more creative pursuits and have found interest in UI design using Figma. For this reason, my personal projects have focused more on front-end development and design.

interests —

  • front-end
  • back-end
  • design
  • data flow and management
  • databasing
  • interroperability
  • api